Seven Decades: Dad's Surprise Birthday

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." 1 John 3:1

Does not your heart leap at the very thought of that - to be called children of God?!.   Each time I encounter this verse I am awestruck by the reality that our Holy God has loved us so much that, though we were yet sinners, He sent His Son to live the life we couldn't possibly live, to die the death we absolutely should have died, and to defeat our greatest enemies (sin and death) once and for all in order that we may be called His child and therefore coheirs with Christ! This amazing reality is that which unfolds throughout the entire storyline of Scripture - one beautiful picture of redeeming love.  What grace!  What glorious grace!

One of God's gracious gifts to me has been the gift of a loving, generous, and faithful earthly father.  I am grateful for the gift of a dad who has taught me much about our Heavenly Father and faithfully modeled so many of His characteristics.  Thank you, Dad, for pointing me to our Abba Father!

My beautiful and amazingly talented sisters and I, as well as my gorgeous mom, planned a surprise party this past weekend to celebrate our dad.  There are so many people that could have gathered along with us to honor and thank him for the gift of being a friend, brother, teacher, leader, co-laborer, and countless other roles he has served in throughout his seven decades of life had it been possible.  We are especially thankful for the forty or so who gathered with us to celebrate the gift that he is and has been all these years.  Thank you, friends and family, for making the evening so very special by your participation!  Thank you to the countless others who have been a blessing throughout the varied seasons of his life!

For those who were unable to celebrate with us, here are a few glimpses from our time together...

He had been told him that his girls were taking him out to a dinner.  Two of us made it for appetizers while the other two secured the surprise location and managed guest arrivals.  Dad thought the other two would be joining for dinner after securing their babysitter.

His surprise and reaction was priceless.  He is a difficult man to surprise.  We were incredibly grateful that our mission to maintain the surprise turned out to be a successful one!  When we asked him, "are you surprised?"  He replied through much laughter with a familiar movie quote, "Oh Eddie...if I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet I couldn't be more surprised than I am now."

It was a sweet time together.  We are grateful.

April 25, 1947 was a special day.  Happy 70th Birthday, Dad!


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