One more year of single digits...

Victoria - 2009

 Victoria - 2013

 Surprise visit from grandparents and cousins...
 A birthday filled with food, folks and fun with family...

 New birthday outfit...
 Daddy-daughter date..

 Backyard baseball...

 Pinata fun...

 Big bro went last... 
so grandpa had some fun...

 A hot and humid day...
 Showers before cake and ice cream...

 Tony conspiring to have Solomon tell Uncle Rick that he, Uncle Tone-Tone, is in fact Soli's favorite uncle...

 Soli making the call...
 The confession...
(there was, perhaps, some cake and ice cream bribery taking place... :-)
 Cousins saying farewell after worship on Sunday...

A wonderful weekend...
God is gracious to us.


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