
What joy there is in resting under the shadow of the Most High.  Oh how I have clung to these verses in recent days...
   It has been a busier than the normal kind of busy these past several weeks.  I have found myself trying to manage such a varied array of thoughts that I often transition from one topic of conversation to the next without completing sentences.  Even the order of pictures I've downloaded to post are out of order!  Nonetheless, I thought I'd share a few glimpses from our lives through the following several pictures...
 Uncle Rick and Aunt Jess visited this past weekend… Soccer fun in the backyard...
 Snuggles with these two...

 The girls wearing Aunt Jessica's camies from her deployment in Afghanistan...
 Joshua's first soccer game...
 He scored the first goal!
 Jess and I….
 Victoria, adorbs.
 Rick and Jess.  Grateful.
 One last hug before they hit the road back to Virginia….
 Our Imago Dei growth group sky ping our friend, Stefania, in Italy about orphan care and the church….

 Sweet prayer time….
 I entertained these guys upstairs for a little while to allow cute kids distraction free growth group discussion...

 Just as we prayed for Italy, we are continuing to pray for the country of Ukraine and all those in authority.  I love this picture that Melody Ragains posted (and I snatched).  Pray for Ukraine.
 These pictures are out of order and really go before the previous ones.  Oh well.  Such is my life.  Anyways, we had a few snow days.  Here, the three littlest ones are watching the Olympics online in bed with me.  Ha.  

 New glasses!  Right before the snow fell fast and hard...

 Tony's travel home from St. Louis via Detroit was delayed an extra day due to snow.  I was so thankful to finally have him home.  
 My constant audience….
 Valentines Day date night!
 Dinner and Les Miserables with sweet friends, Matt & Shauna...
 We stayed the whole night downtown.  Much needed night away.  Grateful.

 Basketball season ended for both Jana and Joshua.  Tony and I had to tag team last games and awards, which is why I only have Jana pictured below (Tony was elsewhere with Joshua, ha).

 Two weekends ago my sweet sister, Amanda, & Josh along with their three cute kiddos came for a visit.  Couldn't get enough of this precious thing… Lenora...
 Amanda had suffered a bad box color job (though she still looks great here)…it did turn her hair orange.  Sweet friend, Hannah, to the rescue!

 That evening, the Imago Dei elders and wives attended the Mercy for America's Children gala at the Wake Forest Cotton Company.  It was a black tie event and a lot of fun.

 Quick lunch after Sunday morning worship with the family before they had to return home.  So grateful.  
 A little homeschooling on the road…This girl is doing very well.  Her ability to do independent work has grown tremendously.  I am very proud of your efforts, beautiful daughter.
 Again, out of order pictures… Soccer season has finally started!  Joshua and Victoria are both very excited (as are Tony and I)...

Alas, it is the month of March.  I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to the arrival of Spring!  Blessings...


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