Trust In the Lord

In recent weeks, I participated in an exercise that forced me to slow down and think on a very familiar passage of scripture.  With our rather fast pace in life (as evidenced by my absence in the bloggersphere!), I find it quite challenging to calm the racing thoughts and constant to do list reeling in my head.  By God's grace, I have managed a moment or two of stillness and reflection before the Fountain of Living Waters.  Don't get me wrong, I read the Word and pray daily, which is a delight.  But the secret, quiet place of sweet, unhurried and unhindered time with my Savior often eludes me amidst all the busyness. Truth be told, I can often mismanage my time or worse, exchange resting in Him with seeking rest through other good things that in the end, don't satisfy (tv shows, friends, mindless activity, etc...anyone else relate?!.).  
"You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing."
~Psalm 145:16

The particular text I took a swim in was the first passage I memorized as a new believer a couple decades ago.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
~Proverbs 3:5-6
I pulled out Tony's Logos program and began looking up the Hebrew words and their meanings in those couple verses.  Then, I took a moment to rewrite or rephrase those two verses using synonyms and the like.  Here is the fruit of that time:
Set your hope and confidence securely on Yahweh who is the existing, ever-living, God of redemption with your whole mind, and do not rest upon your own intelligence or insight.  In every part of your journey be aware of Him who is the Performer of His promises, and He will direct your steps over level ground...

A fresh reminder to trust God in all put my hope and confidence or rest all my weight on the God of redemption... to be aware of Him along life's journey... for He is the Performer of His promises (not my ways but His... for His ways are higher than mine... even in the painful passages in this life, His purposes are good for He is good and He is faithful)... He will direct my steps... therefore I put my hope in Him...  Let us rest in Him...  And let us reflect on His kindness towards us...

Let me start with my "Mario Military guy" from Halloween :-)
 Princess Angela
 "Annie Get Your Gun" Victoria
 Happy belated Reformation Day!
(reppin' Luther)
 Also featured: "Princess Leia" Jana and "Football player" James
 Fun times with friends... working concessions at football... for the record, I will likely never eat concession stand food again... just saying...

 Lunch and s'mores with friends...

 Homeschool girlies...
 Homework in the hallway with this guys (oh, and Titus who has to be all up in the middle of it)...
 November reading...

 Family photo opp...

 A glimpse of our last book club... debriefing this book (good read and great discussion) that is even more enjoyable with a good bowl of taco soup!

 Daddy-Daughters trip to Orphan Care event in Gastonia...

Me and the boys (plus a friend, Noah) hanging on a Friday evening...
 James' preferred mode of transport...
 Titus, once again, all up in the middle of it...
 Date night at home...
 Morning after a rough night Scripture...
 A display and reminder that 
"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." 
~Lamentations 3:22-23
 Walking it off...
 What tired looks like...
 To the endodontist we go... Good news!  He should only have one more treatment on his two front teeth! This has been an ongoing process these past 4 years after falling in the transition home in Ethiopia, cracking his two permanent front teeth, exposing the root with ensuing necrosis to save his teeth.  Lord willing, he should be able to keep them.
 Canine therapy while in the Word...  Would have been quite fitting had I been reading the book of Titus :-)
 Practicing piano with an audience...

 En route to the IDC elder retreat...the guys in deep conversation...
 The view from our room... Autumn beauty over the water...

 Leaving on a jet plane with sweet friend, Jenni, headed to speak at a women's retreat with friends...
 Meanwhile, images passed along by others back in NC... day with all the elders and their wives...

 In Alabama (Joe Wheeler State Park) with a wonderful group of ladies and friends from Tupelo, Mississippi... A few glimpses from our time together...
 Our view from our room...

 I love this dear sister and was (continue to be) blessed by her unfolding of scripture and sharing of the grace of God in her faith journey thus far...

 Sweet ladies...

 Tara Dowden - you bless me!

 Back home and recovering with my sidekick...
 A day of brainstorming and planning with fellow justice advocates... Stay tuned for an exciting undertaking: North Carolina Stop the Traffick Day is coming 5.2.2015!

 And then there's this!!!  Hitting bookshelves soon!  Was fun to contribute to one of the chapters of my hubster's new book :-)
 Was incredibly honored, humbled and blessed to help lead musical worship this week for SEBTS women's chapel with Trillia Newbell.  Tony took these images from the live stream...
 Jenni, Missie and Jenny blessed me with their beautiful voices and violin playing... more than that, their worshipful hearts and friendship....

 We topped the night off on Tuesday with taco soup, family and friends...
"I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure... You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
~Psalm 16:8-11

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to take Him at His Word
Just to rest upon His Promise
And to know, "Thus saith the Lord!"

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Thee
How I've proved Him over to over
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
O, for grace to trust Him more!


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